Fitbit Rash Pictures: Your Guide To Keep Yourself On Safe Side!

Fitbit Rash Pictures Your Guide To Keep Yourself On Safe Side!

In 2023 when it is fashionable to make TikTok's of going to gym and working out Fitbit is an obvious lifestyle choice for many. The minute size and powerful features that each Fitbit trackers packs within its 50x50 cm body is a miracle on its own. Hence the reason that you are very likely to see the next person sitting beside you on train with a health tracker (doesn't always have to be a Fitbit).

Staying healthy is not a choice anymore, not in the post COVID world. For some it is vital that they stay top of their physical health. In which case having health trackers like Fitbit are more than important. Unfortunately, wearing your Fitbit 24/7 can give birth to consequences and not all of them are not itchy.

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Having your Fitbit on you for prolong period of time can lead to rash skin. In which case you should take off your tracker for periods and ensure that it is not because of on going medical condition.

Fitbit Is Not Perfect

As we mentioned above having a Fitbit 24/7 is probably the choice with which you will have to part at some point. Even though it is true that with Fitbit on you at all times you will always stay in touch with insightful little details about your body. It is not always a good idea (tip – try alternative positions to wear Fitbit). Since Fitbit is a tracker and trackers are made up of steel and plastic and aluminum having one in constant contact with skin can lead to rashes.

If I speak from my own experience then I cannot say that I have ever had this issue with me. But then again I am someone who constantly changes between different devices so I am never wearing one for more than 7 days. But you might be. In which case if you are feeling itchy down there then Fitbit might be behind it and you should be aware of it.

Contracting Rashes Is Part Of The Experience

However, before we move forward one thing should be cleared and it is that it is not just Fitbit problem. You can buy any smartwatch or a health band and you will likely run into this problem some day. Some people are more tolerant, their skin is not very sensitive so it takes time for them to develop a condition, but it will happen. Perhaps not a full blown allergic reaction buy if you will keep your wearable on you 24/7 and it doesn’t have to be a Fitbit one, you are very likely to be greeted with a red patch once your device will be taken off.

It is just how it is in the wearable world. Which is – once again – not a problem of those who manufacture it. It is human condition. Our bodies get tired of eventually everything. Although, an argument can be made that companies who manufacture these health bands can take extra precaution while picking the material to craft the body. Because 75% of the time it is material of the said tracker which is in constant contact with a skin. But then again good contact is required for efficient tracking. So, a compromise has to be made.

Fitbit Suggests The Following In Extreme Cases

If you will ask a Fitbit representative about it, they will direct you to this site and it clearly states the Fitbit POV on the matter: Fitbit products may cause skin irritation.

Fitbit doesn’t hide this, they have mentioned it in their safety manual and users who buy their products are warned to be wary of their devices. Or how they are adjusting to their body. As we mentioned beforehand not everyone has the same tolerance level. Yet regardless of your standing this is what Fitbit suggest to its consumers who have had bad experience of developing rashes from using their trackers:

  • If you experience any discomfort or irritation, loosen the band, and if it persists give your wrist a break by taking your device off.
  • Keep in mind that if you have eczema, allergies, asthma or other skin sensitivities, you may be more likely to experience skin irritation from a wearable device.
  • When you start to experience any skin irritation or other discomfort on your wrist or in your hand, such as redness, soreness, tingling, numbness, burning or stiffness, remove your device. If any of those symptoms persist, please contact Fitbit customer support and consider contacting a dermatologist.
  • Make sure your band isn’t too tight. Wear the band loosely enough that it can move back and forth on your wrist. Since heart rate sensors work best when they maintain contact with your skin. Lower the band on your wrist and loosen it after exercise.
  • Regularly clean your band and wrist—especially after working out, sweating or washing your hands. Only use fresh water and a soap-free cleanser (like Cetaphil) to clean the band. 
  • While certain Fitbit products may be water resistant or splash proof, it is always important to take it off after it gets wet, rinse it under freshwater, and dry it well before putting it back on.

Three Major Reasons For Fitbit Rashes

If we take the Fitbit rashes problem head-on then it be fair to say that the major reasons for it are three aspects that needs to be talked about:

  • Metal in charging pins.
  • Material of the tracker body.
  • Band that you are using with your smartwatch/tracker.

While we have talked about the last two in details the first still needs to be understood. Because despite the much research and promises to bring changes which will benefit consumers so far neither Fitbit nor many other wearables brands have worked on it.

Even though it is true that your skin is less likely to get exposed to the metal pins of the charging station, it is problem that needs to be addressed. Because even today, in 2023, when we are so close to 2024 75% of the wearable industry are designing their devices without any protection for it.

Use The Tape For One!

Thanks to the Medium blogger who experimented with her Fitbit Charge HR there is conclusive proof that if you can tape your charging pins there is 85% chance that your allergies or rashes (if you have developed them) will begin to lose their pace. In her blog she has stated how after using a simple 3M scotch tape she was able to guard her reactive skin from the metal in the pins.

Now before someone points out: it is true that it is very much possible that in her case since she had a sensitive skin to metal she was developing rashes. Which might not be your dilemma, and that is fine. But we are here arming you just in case it begins to happen with you and then you are left with no choice but to take off your Fitbit. Not an ideal situation right? What if you lose your Fitbit after taking it off! Horror!

Nickel Allergy Is A Real Thing…

We did the whole thing about this with Apple Watches – it is a severe issue with them. So it seems more than fair that we put little spotlight on the matter in context of Fitbit too. Because it is not just confided to the Apple Watches. If your skin would be reactive to nickel it will react in the same manner if your Fitbit tracker containing traces of it will come into contact with it. Which as a result will makes things only itchy and red.

Even Fitbit has acknowledged the issue and has issued a clear guideline to its users about the problem: Our products may contain some nickel. However, they all fall below the strict nickel restrictions set by the European REACH regulation. Therefore, while nickel exposure is unlikely to cause a reaction, you should be aware of the possibility in case you’re susceptible to nickel-related reactions.

Sad thing is nickel is not the only metal about which Fitbit has anything to say. If you are sensitive to Acrylates you should be careful too. There is only so much that Fitbit can do, the rest falls on us, the users who loves their products and wants to get the best out of them. Which at times might require a little back from us too: our time, patience and understanding for safety of the device and even more importantly our own health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Take it off for sometime.

Yes it can if your skin is sensitive. Or allergic to something which might have presence in Fitbit’s body.

Keep it off of you. Contact Dermatologist and ensure it is not medical condition. Also keep your watch clean and wrists cleaner.

Fitbits can heat up, especially if you are using something like Ionic (which is a health hazard) so yeah get it off of you. Contact Fitbit support and your doctor.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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