Fitbit Versa 3 Vs Garmin Forerunner 55: Tech Runner!

Fitbit Versa 3 Vs Garmin Forerunner 55

Running is cool. Working out is cool. What is not cool is not care about your body and let it rot to the point of no return. Hence it is important to understand the need of fitness trackers, not many people would pay heed to my words(I didn't two years ago) a day comes when you are left with regret only and ask yourself: "Why didn't I asked the question 'Fitbit Versa 3 vs Garmin Forerunner 55' What should I buy?"

If only...

Thankfully, you are not one of those people and you have found the curiosity to do so. As we would we to aid you to reach a better conclusion.

So are you ready???

Table of Contents

Fitbit Versa 3
Fitbit Versa 3
The Guardian
The Guardian@guardian
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Fitbit Versa 3 is a solid smartwatch with a good screen, a relatively slim design, two day-plus battery life, and simple smartphone alerts.
Android Authority
Android Authority@AndroidAuth
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The Fitbit Versa 3 nails the basics. Built-in GPS is finally here, and the heart rate sensor has been improved.

Fitbit Versa 3 is 1.58 inch wide made from the Aluminum body.

Runs on AMOLED Display Fitbit Versa 3 is perfect for Health Tracking.

Fitbit Versa 3 can last 5-6 days on one charge.

Garmin Forerunner 55
Garmin Forerunner 55
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The Forerunner 55 is an entry-level running watch that's thoughtfully designed for those who are starting.
Tom's Guide
Tom's Guide@tomguide
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The Forerunner 55 is an excellent smartwatch for the new or intermediate runner.

Garmin Forerunner 55 is 1.08 inch wide smartwatch with a rounded plastic body.

With 5 buttons on either side Garmin Forerunner 55 gives a new meaning to activity tracking.

Garmin Forerunner 55 lasts for 14 days or 2 weeks on smartwatch mode before needing a charge

Information You're Finding!

Fitbit Versa 3 Vs Garmin Forerunner 55 isn't a one-sided battle. Given the Forerunner 55 amazing battery life and unique style Fitbit Versa 3 advanced features aren't enough to make it a win for the Fitbit tracker.

Fitbit Versa 3: Tech Town

Fitbit have been masters at serving the fitness industry, their products are not in need of introduction, the reputation itself precedes them. As is the case with Fitbit Versa 3, released in the year of COVID-19 this fitness tracker has everything a man could dream off.

Garmin Forerunner 55: Old Runner

Garmin aren’t new to the scenes of watchmaking, they have an established presence since the late 80s. In simple words, a decorated history to influence the products for future time. As we can see with the strong portfolio that backs the brand’s claim to glazing glory, and with the latest addition of newest member of Forerunner family.

To those who aren’t familiar with Forerunner series it is more inclined towards the runners running for first time. Don’t get me wrong but if you’re someone thinking you want to run and you happen to be in need of a device that can ease it for you, I can’t think off a better option then Garmin Forerunner 55.

Garmin Forerunner 55 vs Fitbit Versa 3: Conventions

Fitbit and Garmin have locked horns for many times, and it is not a surprise. Given they compete for the same market real estate it has been fun to see two dedicated manufacturers doing their best to one up the other. Even when there is a wide gap between the identity of the two. Even when they have different idea about ideal customer base.

Either way, Garmin Forerunner 55 and Fitbit Versa 3 have a lot of common ground, and today it is our job at Chronoat to paint it for you to see and then decide for yourself what you want to have!

BODY In Question

“I am going to say it very politely here, but I don’t like Fitbit Versa 3 shape or face.”

Before you jump to any conclusions, let me add details: While I respect Fitbit’s love for simplicity I do feel it’s time for company to take long hard look at their devices and get creative mind in the room. At this point they are almost like 90% Apple Watches.

Yes, Garmin Forerunner 55 isn’t different from its predecessor either, in fact upon first glance you might not even be able to tell 45 and 55 apart. Since the major haul to Forerunner series design happened recently and round shape for watches is holy grail of everlasting essence, it’s okay.

Built Quality

Fitbit Versa 3 has 1.58 inch wide screen while the body is made from Aluminum sheet with little regard for physical features. In a word I didn’t find the tracker – very – distracting, if and when I had it on my arm I could notice it, and sleeping (Fitbit Versa 3 has the Sleep Mode) with it was fine too, nothing that would keep me up all night.

The shape of the watch is almost squared with silicone based bands attached on both sides (that can be replaced) to complete the picture. In comparison to Forerunner it isn’t heavy or light, if anything both of them have same number (37 and 36) gram respectively.

Body Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

Garmin Forerunner 55 is 1.08 inch wide screen with a round face shape and sleek design to compensate for its lack of touch display (Yes, it doesn’t have TOUCH SCREEN). Although, there are five button to do the heavy lifting as an alternative, and in practice I didn’t find them hard to remember, you’ll get used to it eventually. There are two on the right side, and three on the left, with all of them clearly marked.

If you are someone who gets sweaty a lot during running or working out Garmin Forerunner 55 inability would prove quite valuable. Pressing the physical button has its own pros, and I won’t lie I found it more satisfying than swiping the screen.

Display Screen

Fitbit runs its devices – at least higher end devices – on AMOLED display and as Versa series happens to be one of them Fitbit Versa 3 is equally gifted to have the same set of skills to visualize millions of colors. It has resolution prowess of 336x336px on its 1.58 inch wide screen with ALWAYS ON function backing up to make for beautiful aesthetics during stale time.

In simple English language, there is no competition between the two devices if we would base the metric on Display. Garmin Forerunner 55 simply doesn’t have the capacity to provide the same output.

Display Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

While its 1.08 inch screen can put up the numbers (208x208px) in direct competition to Fitbit Versa 3 it stands pale and tainted. However, on its own, it is just as amazing, even if it’s not Fitbit level of amazing.

You won’t have to squint your eyes to see the watch. Likewise there is lighting up option, that you can use to get a better picture. Just press the button on upper left hand and your Garmin Forerunner 55 would brighten up the screen.

Resistivity Prowess

We have discussed the safety precautions for smart devices a lot and today won’t be any different. It is our firm belief at Chronoat to put up the best possible measure to safeguard smart devices. As we are eternally grateful to thinking caps at Fitbit and Garmin for doing the same

Fitbit Versa 3 and Garmin Forerunner 55 holds resistive power to a great extent.

Resistivity Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

These smart devices are able to handle natural effects to handsome degree. For instance both of them are IP68 certified and can handle the water body of 50 meter at a time. They can survive the sand, dust, and impact(to certain degree) pretty easily.

Fitbit Versa 3 also has water lock function and branded GORILLA GLASS at the top to further decrease the chances of damage.


In order to correctly understand the functionalities of Fitbit Versa 3 and Garmin Forerunner 55 I believe it is important to keep in mind they were made for different goals. While Fitbit Versa 3 is pro health tracker capable to analyze raw data and in return provide insightful information Garmin Forerunner 55 is pure runners device made to make the activities easier and effective.

Therefore, to confuse the two, or judge them using the standard set by the other would be unfair. For sure, there are places where they compete for the same thing and we would put it in front of you. All I ask is to have an open mind and a kind heart (the world needs it).

Sensors Sensing Everything

Given the nature of comparison I am not going to list out sensors Fitbit Versa 3 have, if you want to learn more about it, you are welcome to check the specification of the Fitbit Versa 3 here.

What we need to understand is Fitbit holds the higher ground in terms of raw data tracking, there is no doubt about it, Garmin Forerunner 55 doesn’t have the capacity to measure Blood-Oxygenation or provide detailed reports about REM sleep cycle. Although, you could find details in the mobile application through Garmin Connect application (and yes even about REM sleep it just might not be as intuitive) either way my point is even though Fitbit Versa 3 and Garmin Forerunner 55 have this gap between them.

If you are a beginner who doesn’t care about details too much, there is hardly anything interesting you’d be missing out.

Pace. Distance. Time Elapsed.

Sensors Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

These three makes the Holy Grail for Forerunner 55 and you would see them on your watch face quite often. For further details like heart rate or body battery (Garmin proprietary metric) you can always go to mobile application and add extra fields to fill up your watch face.

Connectivity Ability

Both Fitbit Versa 3 and Garmin Forerunner 55 can connect to Android and iOS smartphones. To ensure smoother onboarding make sure your phones are updated to latest OS which for Android should be at least 8.0+ and for iPhone iOS 14.0 or further.

While Fitbit has given Versa 3 all of the following: Bluetooth 5, Wi-Fi, and NFC. The same can’t be said for Garmin’s sport watch, the smartwatch falls a bit short here. It doesn’t have NFC or Wi-Fi support although as an alternative ANT+ is available and it makes up for it to an extent.

Connection Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

However, GPS technology on Garmin is far superior than its competition. I deployed both of them at the same time Fitbit Versa 3 certainly couldn’t keep up with accuracy or speed of what Forerunner 55 had to offer.

Wits To Out Wit

Since Garmin Forerunner 55 is a sports watch and it isn’t primarily focused to pertain to complete standards of smartwatch Fitbit Versa 3 happens to have upper hand.

Let’s look at facts to understand why and how: As you would know and if you didn’t then now you know Fitbit provides a complete experience with its trackers. Yes, in contrast to others out there even it isn’t the most complete version. General disregard of company towards improving its rather monotonous OS remains the number one issue of lackluster user interface. Fitbit utopia allows for applications to be installed and have features like Google Assistant and Fitbit Pay to enrich the experience.

Wits Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

While Garmin have the mobile application and you can download the third-party apps options are limited and just not the same as you would find in Apple Watch or even Fossil smartwatches.

Although there are functions like Fall Detection that are exclusive to Garmin Forerunner that are not present in Fitbit Versa 3. Even when there are resources to implement them.


Usually when we talk about smartwatches and it’s time to compare battery prowess of devices and competition includes Fitbit we are always placing Fitbit higher than the others. Mostly because there are not many smartwatches that can compete with Fitbit in regards to providing excellent battery life.

However, surprisingly, today the same can’t be said or done, because Fitbit aren’t the best today, not here, not in front of Garmin Forerunner 55.

Lifespan Over Lifetime

According to Garmin reports Forerunner 55 can last for two weeks on smartwatch mode. Which is insane. If you think for a moment in comparison to Fossil Gen 6 Forerunner 55 has battery strength 2000% of what it can provide.

While Fitbit Versa 3 also falls in the category of good-to-excellent smartwatch battery devices it is not on the same level that Forerunner is found. Your Fitbit Versa 3 can last for 5-6 days maximum on casual use. Whereas more power consuming antics would only bring the time frame down to 2-3 days or even 48 hours (Tip: Keep the brightness of your Fitbit low to maximize the battery life. Or put it on DND mode when not in use actively.)

Lifespan Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

At times it is due to faulty battery, and you can replace Fitbit battery quite easily. In battle and in comparison to Garmin Forerunner 55 it’s evident Fitbit can’t compete here.

Charging Time

It takes two hours for Forerunner 55 to go from 0% to 100%. Whereas for Fitbit Versa 3 you can be done in 90 minutes or so. However, since time duration can be greatly influenced by age of device, a little variation in downward spiral can be more or less expected.

Charging Time Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 & Garmin Forerunner 55

Wireless Charging

Fitbit doesn’t add the support of wireless charging to its devices. It’s hard to say why since it isn’t found in latest Fitbit Versa 4 and Sense 2 as well, but it is what it is. Quite disappointing if I may add. Garmin, on the other hand, has taken better approach, because believe it or not despite being a sport watch and being rather simplistic in nature Forerunner 55 supports the wireless charging.

If you have a charging pad (make sure it is compatible with Garmin products) your Garmin Forerunner 55, when placed on it, will be able to charge itself up.

Fitbit Versa 3 Vs Garmin Forerunner 55: Conservation

And here we have reached the end…

Fitbit Versa 3 and Garmin Forerunner 55 have their differences. They are not exactly the same thing or even made for same audience. Versa 3 is more inclined for all round fitness tracking service whereas Forerunner 55 is focusing on activities to maximize efficiency. Either way they holds solutions to various problems and when in use would only bear fruits of success and money well spent.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on which Garmin smartwatch Fitbit Versa 3 is being compared too. If its Garmin Forerunner 55 that is the standard then an argument can be made for both devices. Although given Fitbit intuitive UI and functions majority would opt for it.

While it can show you incoming calls since it would be connected to a smartphone, it is not possible to talk through the Garmin Forerunner 55.

For someone who is just a beginner there isn’t a better option than Garmin Forerunner 55. Its complete package for anyone planning to start running frequently.  

Yes. Fitbit Versa 3 can attend calls. You can even just talk through the health tracker. It has built-in speaker and microphone installed within the chipset.

Not necessarily. You can also use it to track activities and there are fair share of third-party applications available to download through Garmin Connect IQ store to enrich the UI and make it more than its primary function.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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