How Accurate Is Fitbit Heart Rate Metric? Read This Before Buying!

How Accurate Is Fitbit Heart Rate

Over the years Fitbit has become synonymous with the fitness industry, even when it shouldn't be (not completely) general public somehow always associates the company with very high regard for its evolving disciplines. Yet at the same time, a growing concern has left many paralyzed in fear of the tracker's ability, to tell the truth.

If we take a moment to think about Heart Rate monitors, millions follow to buy Fitbit because they hope to see accurate HR readings from their device. Because that's how the company portrays itself in the media. Unfortunately, even after 15 years of Fitbit's existence, the accuracy of trackers still holds doubts, and it is no different story for Heart Rate metric as well.

If you're asking the question of wheater the Fitbit Heart Rate Monitor is Accurate or Not? You're on the right track. If not maybe its time to take a U-turn.

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Despite the many years of changes that Fitbit has gone through it is hard to say that Fitbit Heart Rate monitoring is 100% accurate. For sure, it is close, but it is not reliable in comparison to the dedicated medical devices.

Is Fitbit Heart Rate Score Accurate

Fitbit uses what is called PPG or the Photoplethysmography technique based on the principles of light-based methodology to measure the varying heartbeats. During the recording, your Fitbit tracker shines green light on your wrist and records the reflected intensity of light back from the skin.

The basic idea behind this is that blood contains hemoglobin and it is excellent to absorb green color light. Therefore when whatever light comes back towards the tracker Fitbit uses it (as Data reference) and applies an approximation algorithm to calculate your heart rate reading. Or resting heart rate if you are in an idle position.

In theory, this might sound genius or something straight out of a brilliant mind, but when we see the real-world application, there is disparity. PPG’s method of observing the varying heart rate is an indirect way or if better put an approximate way that can take you very near to the actual reading but might never give one.

Why Fitbit Method Is Approximation At Worst?

Continuing from above there are many external factors that can influence your heart rate value when calculated using the method Fitbit applies. For example, if you have dark-toned skin then there is a very high chance that what you’d get is much different reading than what a light-toned person might get.

Another issue is with the position of the tracker itself, it is necessary that it is placed where light can reach the veins carrying blood easily. Given that, even a slight buffer in between could skew the readings. It is worth noting.

While using Fitbit to calculate heart rate it is also vital to make sure the tracker is wrapped around your wrist just as it should be (which by definition is vague and no one knows what’s the ideal grip factor). So the chance you will get a 100% accurate Heart Rate reading can never be 100%. Sadly.

What Studies Tell About Fitbit Accuracy Level!

Over the years many studies have been conducted regarding the matter, with each reaching almost the same conclusion. For you, we have rounded up some that we think you should know about before making the big decision:

In a study conducted by the National Library of Science, it was found that Fitbit Charge 4 slightly underestimates the Heart Rate value.

Extract: The Fitbit Charge 4 achieved a lower mean absolute error during resting and sedentary activities. Device accuracy varied with activity. Overall, both devices (Charge 4 and Samsung Active 2) achieved a mean absolute percentage error of just <10%.

Another research by the Annals of Internal Medicine tells somewhat the same story. While the Fitbit tracker remain in contention during the resting phase and the heart rate was kept within the error limit of 5%. Once the intensity was increased the accuracy took a huge dip.

Accuracy lessened in all of the tested devices during increased activity. The monitors were off by a range of 20 to 40 beats per minute compared with ECG measurements.

Robert Jimison, CNN

According to the test done by the JAMA Networks Fitbit Charge 4 once again appeared to underestimate the value. This could be taken as further evidence to suggest that there is an accuracy issue in the Fitbit trackers.

Extract: While Fitbit Charge HR had 95% of values within −34 bpm and +39 bpm and the corresponding values for the Basis Peak were within −39 bpm and +33 bpm.

How To Improve Fitbit’s Heart Rate Accuracy?

If after reading this you feel disappointed that you spent so much on something that doesn’t give its 100% we can understand, but here is another side of the story that you hear.

Fitbit is not a Medical device nor it should intend to emulate one!

It is true, over the years, they have marketed themselves as the pioneers of revolution in the fitness industry, but the reality is far from it. They are at best a wearable company that has a commendable sense about making grade-A health trackers. So if you feel let down it’s okay we can understand, and hence to make your life a little better, there are some tips we feel can help you to get the most out of your Fitbit tracker.

  • For better results, if you don’t mind put your tracker in clip mode and have it around your ankle.
  • Try not to move when you see the green light is on and flickering beneath the surface. Any type of motion can skew the results in either direction.
  • Make sure your Fitbit tracker is neither too loose that it falls off your arms nor too tight that you feel blood clogging up.
  • Change the arms and have the Fitbit on their other wrist to keep things fresh and change.

Can Fitbit Misread The Heart Rate?

As a matter of fact Fitbit quite often underestimates the score. Meaning if you’re someone who feels you are not doing enough then it should be kept in mind that perhaps it has something to do with your tracker.

Fitbit Misread Heart Rate

Even a Fitbit spokesperson has said that they have noticed the pattern in their internal testing, and this happen more when heart beat cross the 100 mark. According to various test done by both Fitbit and independent fact checkers Fitbit has a glaring problem of messing up data at high level.

So Fitbit Is Not Accurate Or Is It?

Fitbit doesn’t have 100% accurate Heart Rate monitors. But that doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. There is much more than just heart reading that these trackers offer, although if you’re someone who needs to buy a wearable device just for Heart Rate monitoring then perhaps it’s better to take a look around for other options.

In case you don’t happen to find one, because let’s be honest almost 95% smartwatch industry uses the same PPG method to measure the heart rate, then Fitbit is a pretty great shout for you too. It might not give you 100% rest assured you can always have its 95% percent accurate heart rate recording by your side.

Whether that is a deal worth taking is on you!

Frequently Asked Questions

It could be because Fitbit Tracker is not worn correctly.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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