How To Remove Links From Fossil Gen 5?

How To Remove Links From Fossil Gen 5E

Have you ever felt like your watch was trying to sabotage your outfit? You know what I’m talking about: when your watch slides down your wrist and dangles awkwardly like a bracelet. Not only does it look unprofessional, but it also makes you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable.

A watch is supposed to be a fashion statement, but an ill-fitting one can ruin your style and confidence. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for this problem. Today, I’m going to show you two simple ways to adjust your Fossil watch band so that it fits snugly on your wrist. So, it doesn't matter if you got Gen 5 with intertwined links or any other type of watch, these tips will help you feel more comfortable and stylish.

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To remove links from Fossil Gen 5 you would need to identify the link, get tools, and then use them to strike the pinhead to loosen it. Repeat the process for the other side and then use nose pliers to get off the link.

Why You Should Remove Links Of Fossil Gen 5?

Fossil is special.

They have a secret formula to keep their watches retro. However, make no mistake, they are not THE BEST in the game of smartwatches. That title belongs to Apple even if they are not what you might need.

Either way, Fossil Gen 5 is an amazing product to fulfill your needs for a smartwatch. Yes, I remember it runs on Wear Os but we can slide it for now. And it is not like Gen 5 is not allowing you to call, text, use social platforms, track health metrics, and give liberty with beauty.

It is and we are grateful to Fossil for it…

But that’s kind of out of scope for what we are concerned about today. For now, we seek the reason why as a Fossil Gen 5 owner you might feel the urge to Google search: ‘How to remove links from Fossil Gen 5.

Because the answer is it’s probably too loose or tight for your hands and you want to change the adjustment.

Am I wrong? If yes leave…

If not, shall we?

Adjust Fossil Gen 5 Straps

The first step towards the perfect adjustment is to know how much adjustment is needed, and for that, you have to wear your Fossil Gen 5 and try to get a good guess. Don’t rush here, a minor assumption can become nuance. Take your time to get a good picture in your head and identify the targeted straps.

Helpful Tip: If you are going to slash down ‘two links’ don’t remove both from the same side. It can result in a lopsided orientation.

Get The Right Tools For Your Work

Since I have decided to show you two ways to do it, one without special tools, and with one, you should try to have the following for either case:

  • Paper Clip
  • Hammer
  • Foam
  • Pin Punch
  • Needle-Nose Pliers
  • Rubber Cap Hammer
  • Watch Holder

Keep in mind the above two are for the ones where you don’t/won’t need to buy anything for the procedure. Both paper clips and hammers are quite common household tools.

Do Work In Ideal Environment 

It will take time.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s your first time removing the links from a smartwatch or not, it will take time to go through it. Therefore before you begin make sure you are in a quiet environment without any stimulus, not that it is a major factor or has any weight on the procedure itself. It is important for your own sake to do it with peace. In the same way it is important to do it on a flat surface.

“Fossil Gen 5 Strap Removal”

So we have acquired the tools, adjusted the Gen 5 to know the straps number, and have everything placed on the table. It is time to do it. It is time to remove the not needed links from Fossil Gen 5.

Lights. Camera. Action.

Removing Links With Special Tools

Since you don’t have the watch holder, you have to ask someone to hold the smartwatch here. Or if you don’t have anyone to get aid, you might have to place the watch somewhere it wouldn’t move while you’d be at work.

It is very necessary for the success of the procedure that the smartwatch remains still. A minor mistake can potentially lead to damage to the structural integrity of your Fossil Gen 5.

Use Pin and Hammer

Identify the pattern on links, there would be arrows pointing toward a certain direction. Make sure your watch is placed with arrows pointing down toward the ground. Then on a precautionary note place the hair clip ends on the exposed pinhead. At this point, you have to be very cautious since our next move involves the use of a hammer. It is very very important to tread lightly here.

“Hammer Time”

Grab the hammer, I know I said you won’t have to buy anything so I am going to assume you have hopefully managed to get the smallest possible hammer you could’ve gotten on your hands. The next move is to strike it lightly on the hair clip to push the pinhead and by extension pin downwards.

Keep in mind the pin would come out from the other side of the link, so it is suggestible to catch it. You don’t want to lose pins, they are needed for later.

Get Back Using Nose Pliers

Once you would have done enough hammering for the part of the pin to come out from the other side. Grab it with your hands and pull it away from the link. By now you are at halfway point of removing the one link entirely from the Gen 5. All you’d need to do next is to repeat the process for the adjacent pin on the link.

And it will come out as would the link from the watch…

Repeat and Reverse 

Depending on the number of links you want to remove from your Fossil Gen 5 you’d have to repeat the above steps till you’d have removed all of them.

Removing Links With Special Tools

Okay, so I am assuming you have bought the tools I mentioned above, if you have the first step is to set the holder and have your Fossil Gen 5 placed on it. Make sure arrows are pointing towards the holder and the pinhead on the other end is in line with the watch holder.

We don’t want to lose pins, they are vital to put the clasp back together with the smartwatch.

Use Pin Punch with Rubber Cap Hammer

Instead of the paper clip this time, we have pin punch and cap hammer on our hands. Which means it wouldn’t take long as well as we won’t have to put extra precautions. The rubber on the hammer ensures your Fossil Gen 5 feels the least amount of impact on each hit. Anyways, place the pin punch on the pinhead and get ready for the next step.

“Hammer Time With Caution”

Use the bought hammer and hit the pin punch, with each hit the pin inside the link will begin to come out of the other side. You have to hit it till it’s enough exposed for you to proceed toward the next step. Therefore be ready and remain vigilant we don’t want to overdo anything here.

Retrieve Using Needle-Nose Pliers

Once the pin on the other side would be out, all you’d have to do is grab the needle-nose plier and use it to retrieve the pin. At this stage, you’d still have the other pin to remove before having the one link detached from the Gen 5.

Reverse and Repeat

As we did above, depending on your need to remove a certain number of links you have to go through written steps for the following time. Once you would have removed the links it’d be time to put the clasp back on to the watch.

Put Back The Clasp Together

For sure you can’t wear the watch without a clasp hence the last step is all about putting the clasp back together with the adjusted watch. You’d have to put the watch back on foam, however with one minor change, and it would be instead of placing it with arrows pointing towards the ground, this time they should be facing upwards.

What you would need to do is get the pins you got from the detached links and use them to put inside the link and hammer it till it’s inside completely.

How To Remove Fossil Gen 5 Links!

On a concluding note, all I have to say is to practice caution.

It is not the hardest task in the world, anyone with the right knowledge can remove the links, and hence so can you. However, all you need to do is make sure you don’t do it in a way it ends up damaging the watch.

It might take your sweet 30-60 minutes it’s not impossible.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may need to remove links from your Fossil Gen 5 if the watch band is too loose or too tight for your wrist. Adjusting the watch band can help you feel more comfortable and stylish.

Depending on the method you choose, you may need different tools to remove links from your Fossil Gen 5. One method involves using a paper clip, a hammer, a foam pad, and a needle-nose pliers. Another method involves using a pin punch, a rubber cap hammer, and a watch holder.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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