Is the Fitbit Charge 5 Waterproof? Your Complete Guide!

Is Fitbit Charge 5 Waterproof

Fitbit has a long history of making innovative strides and getting successful from it. Just recently in 2021 with Fitbit Charge 5 the American health fitness company has once again proved just how valuable they are to the wearable industry. With more than 50 millions units sold Fitbit Charge 5 is indeed a tracker to reckon with.

But what about it's resistive capacity, more specially how well does it fare against the water. Because, let's face it you are more than likely to take your Charge 5 tracker into scenarios where water body will overwhelm it. So what will happen then? Is Fitbit Charge 5 able enough to withstand the water? Or the better question: Is Fitbit Charge 5 even waterproof?

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While Fitbit Charge 5 is not Waterproof, it is Water Resistant. So you can take you Fitbit health tracker to shower and swim sessions. There is no harm in doing so.

Fitbit Charge 5 Is Not Waterproof!

The simple answer is: NO! Fitbit Charge 5 is not waterproof!

Before you take it out of your hand and smash it, hear me out. While it is true that Fitbit Charge 5 is not Waterproof. The reality is that literally no smartwatch has ever been made which can said to be Waterproof. Because the misconception is that we – humans – confuse the terminologies.

There is stark difference between Waterproof and Water Resistant (We have given matter some thoughts while talking about Fossil Gen 5 too). Anything which is waterproof is immune to the water. It means it doesn’t matter how deep it is in the water body, it’s surrounding will have no affect on it.

So going by the definition if anyone says their smartwatch is waterproof it means they are implying that even under the depth of Pacific Ocean their watch will be able to hold itself or work just fine when taken out.

I don’t even need to tell you how insane that sounds, so in the matter of Fitbit Charge 5 it is not waterproof, that is for sure. But what about the other thing? Is it Water Resistant?

But Fitbit Charge 5 Is Water Resistant?

The answer to the question we asked above is YES! Fitbit Charge 5 is indeed Water Resistant. In fact every Fitbit device (from new generation) are water resistant up to 50 meters. Meaning you can put them into the water body which is 50 meters deep and your Fitbit tracker will work just fine under those conditions.

Fossil Gen 5 vs Fitbit Charge 5 Water Resistivity

Of course, just because Fitbit can handle those pressure doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to do it. We have seen cases where the tracker got damaged due to the ignorance of the user. In each case it is vital to understand that in spite the IP6X certifications out Fitbit have limits and we need to respect it.

“Can I Go To Shower With Fitbit Charge 5?”

Another question and the answer is YES.

You can most definitely go to shower with your Fitbit Charge 5 on your hand. There is no harm in doing so. For sure, Fitbit recommends that you practice precaution by making sure your Charge 5 is tracker remains isolated from the Soap or Shampoo or even conditioner.

Fitbit also recommends that you don’t take your tracker to hot tubs and Saunas. Extreme temperate of surrounding water body can result in temporary or permanent damage to Fitbit device. By the way this issue is also with Apple Watches, so you should be cautious with Fitbit too.

“What About Swimming With My Charge 5?”

Given the strong protective layer that Fitbit has given the Charge 5 you can take your Charge 5 to swimming sessions too. By the way after swimming, you should remove your Fitbit Charge 5 and dry it off afterward. Also make sure to pay attention to the bands and make sure they are thoroughly dried. A wet watchband can rub on the skin over time and cause a rash or skin infection due to constant friction.

Fitbit Charge 5 Also Has Water Lock!

Just like Fitbit Versa 4 and the others Fitbit Charge 5 also has the Water Lock feature. So, even if you will find yourself in abrupt situation where you’re practically drowning your Fitbit will activate the Water Lock (on your command) rendering the device untouchable.

You can put your Fitbit Charge 5 into water lock through this step: To turn on water lock, swipe down from the clock screen and tap the water lock icon, then tap the screen twice.

To turn off the water lock the easy way is to: double tap the middle of your device’s screen. If “Unlocked” doesn’t appear, try harder taps.

Note: If you find it hard to see Water Lock icon we have done post on Fitbit Symbol and their Meaning.

Still Few Suggestions To Keep In Mind!

Despite the resistive capacity of the Fitbit Charge 5 tracker, it is still important to take manual care and follow procedures when you can. Which will only ensure long life and greater performance from your health tracker. Down below we’ve listed few things that you should keep in mind and try to put in actions when times call for it.

  • Power Off Immediately: If your Fitbit Charge 5 gets wet, the first thing you should do is power it off immediately. Water and electronics don’t mix well, and keeping the Fitbit powered on could lead to short circuits and further damage.
  • Remove Excess Water: Gently shake the watch or use a soft, absorbent cloth to dab away any visible water on the surface. Avoid exerting pressure on your Charge 5, as this might push water into internal components.
  • Do Not Use Heat: Contrary to common belief, using heat sources like a hairdryer, oven, or direct sunlight to dry the your Fitbit can cause more harm than good. Excessive heat can damage delicate components and may even warp the internal structure.
  • Use Silica Gel: Place the Fitbit Charge 5 in a sealed container with silica gel packets, which are designed to absorb moisture effectively. The silica gel will help draw out the remaining moisture from the watch’s internal parts. Alternatively, you can use uncooked rice, although silica gel is generally more efficient.
  • Wait and Verify: Allow your Charge 5 to dry completely for at least 24 to 48 hours before attempting to turn it back on. Rushing to check if it works immediately after drying might lead to further damage if any moisture remains. Once dried, power on the Fitbit Charge 5 and check if all functions are working correctly. In case your Charge 5 doesn’t respond properly, you can always opt to reset or restart it. Take any decision with consequences in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can’t make your Fitbit Charge 5 waterproof. It is only water resistant.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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