TicWatch E3 vs Fitbit Versa 3: Affordable Versality?


There are two types of wearables you'd encounter in your journey. First, the one which are meant to cater to the specific needs of an audience and that audience would be narrowed as well. The other, that are more likely to be general purpose with little in mind to target a certain demographic.

In the case of our today's smartwatches/trackers the same can be said so, as Fitbit Versa 3 is more likely to be used by a person in need of health tracking device. Whereas Mobvoi Ticwatch E3 can be thought off as more general purpose solution meant for all.

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Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3 is a closely contested battle between the two wearbles. Where Fitbit Versa 3 edges the health tracking features. While TicWatch E3 sweeps everything else. Making it a kind of perfect smartwatch.

Mobvoi TicWatch E3: Better All Rounder?

Released in the year 2021 Mobvoi TicWatch E3 happens to be one of the best smartwatch you can get today on your hands. Although specification of it does happen to resemble that of Fossil Gen 6 there is one lucky trick up its sleeve and it is Wear OS 3.

You are guaranteed to have Google latest smartwatch OS running on this if and when you’d bought it. Apart from it there are also plentiful of sensory functions and amazing customization options that I couldn’t think would be available anywhere else, not in this price range, not like this.

Fitbit Versa 3: Ideal For Budget Tracking?

Fitbit announced the third incarnation from the Versa series during the August of 2020 as it was later released to the market during September of the same year. A bold move given the economical implications pandemic had imposed on anyone and everyone.

After year and so later I feel it is safe to say it didn’t go that bad, at least not how few experts thought it would. Despite the circumstances Fitbit Versa 3 proved to be invaluable addition from the company. Made with intentions to serve only excellence and perfection for fitness tracking I wouldn’t hesitate putting Versa 3 in my top 5 of current health trackers. While, yes, it has its flaws and we will look at them if we consider it just as a health tracker(that it is) there are not many that can take its crown.

TicWatch E3 vs Fitbit Versa 3: Who Is The Best

By now we have established that Fitbit and Mobvoi had very different ideas when they sat down to craft these wearables. Yes, there are similarities to their working (as you would see later on). They were not made for the same set of audience. Fitbit is more off a health tracker whereas TicWatch E3 is ideal smartwatch for casual lovers.

Either way it is time to understand the differences and make a judgement based on it. Get ready for its time of TicWatch E3 vs Fitbit Versa 3…

BODY In Question

If you are following us for a while you’d know I’m not the biggest fan of Fitbit designs. They are amazing at what they do and I respect them to stay focused, given the rising industry standards its inexcusable that Fitbit trackers still have the same outlook they did years ago. A change to almost Apple Watch like face should’ve come long time ago.

As for Mobvoi TicWatch E3 when I’d in my hands I felt it was okay, nothing special like Fossil Gen 6, but okay. In retrospect you can say they tried to play it safe and it worked out.

Built Quality

Fitbit Versa 3 has 1.58 inch wide screen followed by a body made from aluminum sheet to support its thick edged screen. In real and going by practical implication tracker itself is quite lightweight. Although if and when you’d have it on your hand it would become a noticeable feature, at least it did for me.

Body Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

Mobvoi TicWatch E3, on the other hand, has a 1.30 inch wide screen and stainless steel body to compliment its daring black look. During the time I’d it on me I was okay with it, I didn’t sleep with it for many days since the backside of the screen is quite distracting and huge and at times I felt little at discomfort. For most of the days it was fine, and if you are someone who enjoys having smartwatches with a glance of modernity and retro timepiece you’d appreciate it.

I know I did.

Display Screen

Fitbit and Mobvoi are known for producing top of the class viewing experience. As they did with creation of Fitbit Versa 3 and TicWatch E3. Both of these smart devices are using the AMOLED/OLED display and while there is change in size, TicWatch is little smaller than its Fitbit counterpart, you wouldn’t notice the sharp change of colors in practice.

Display Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

From our test at Chronoat we found out the following:

  • Resolution of Fitbit Versa 3: 336x336px
  • Resolution of TicWatch E3: 360x360px

While difference in resolution might indicate the superiority of one over the other, it’s more to do with smaller screen size that inflates the number. In terms of raw experience threshold remains pretty much the same – vivid display of millions of colors.

Resistivity Prowess 

As an owner of smart devices regardless of their size and nature it should be our responsibility to practice the safety measures to ensure prolong life of our gadgets. For sure, manufactures integrates plentiful resistive properties I’d still argue to always be mindful about the following.

Resistivity Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

Moving on, Fitbit and Mobvoi have done the same, they have given their devices the ability to tolerate natural phenomenon at times and in depth. As both of these IoT trackers are capable to withstand the following elemental forces: water (depth of 50 meter is limit), sand, dust, and force of impact.

In the case of Fitbit trackers they are also equipped with water lock function. A welcoming aspect to the overall game of protection.


While there is great divide between the nature of functionality of these two smartwatches. One thing is certain Fitbit and Mobvoi didn’t hold back. In these, and when on your hand Fitbit Versa 3 and TicWatch E3 would grant you immense ability to perform wide range of tasks. From the rudimentary action of activity tracking to nuance art of calling and texting through a wearable on your hand. Everything would seem plausible with them on your wrist.

Sensors Sensing Everything

If there is one thing that separates Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3 apart it would be right here, and their ability to conduct advance tracking. While, much of the features available on both of them were pretty much the same, Fitbit Sense was better equipped with analytical data collection (Although you might need Fitbit Premium to have exclusive insights). You can check out our comparison post of Fitbit Sense vs TicWatch E3 here.

Sensors Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

In contrast Fitbit Versa 3 can handle the basics and more with quite ease. You can measure Blood-Oxygenation level (not on fly), manage sleep tracking, have a vague idea of body temperature, track distance ran, notice changes in calories burned, see resting heart rate, use the tracker during treadmill running, practice breathing exercises, and much much more.

While Mobvoi has also placed the power of vital tracking in it’s product as well, sp02 tracking is available on TicWatch E3 and unlike Fitbit Versa 3 you can measure it on command and immediately. On the grounds of raw tracking Fitbit Versa 3 edges its competition here. For sure, it doesn’t take away anything from the TicWatch E3 or it should, it is never easy to beat the Fitbit.

Connectivity Ability

There is little to separate between the two here.

Connection Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

Fitbit and Mobvoi have set the same standards for IoT connectivity. You get Bluetooth (Version 5), Wi-Fi support (not Version 6), NFC, wireless data sync between smartwatch and smartphone and then to the cloud, calling and texting support through Bluetooth connection, GPS tracking, and finally compatibility with Android and iOS system to ease the process of setting up the device. Although make sure you are running iOS 14.0+ and Android 8.0+ while trying to connect.

Wits To Out Wit

Fitbit Versa 3 fails here…

Fitbit runs on Fitbit proprietary Operating System and it is not the best OS in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I love the simplicity and smoothness that is its main essence. A time comes when there is need for more and that time should’ve been here a long time ago. There is almost non-existent third party support, little customization option, and though Google acquisition introduced little changes to the system it is still far from the truth.

Wits Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

TicWatch E3, on the other hand, runs on Snapdragon 4100 and WearOS 3(something that is quite unique and treasured). Hence you get many options to customize, download, and set up your smartwatch. You would also enjoy complete access of Google suite of applications. All in all not a bad deal given the limitations of the other party and price tag at disposal.


Just like design and features I feel battery is also one of those thing that should be taken into consideration of a smart device whenever there is need to make a decision. After all, it wouldn’t matter how futuristic a device is if it won’t be able to stay on long for long – a dead device is nothing more than a brick.

Fitbit and Mobovi understood the issue, at least tried to…

Lifespan Over Lifetime

Fitbit Versa 3 can stay on power for 5 days if you won’t use majority of its features at a time and keep battery saved and conserved for long period of time. In practice not ideal practice and I don’t expect everyone to do it, good news is even if you won’t be able to remain on the cautious side, battery of your Fitbit tracker would still remain up and running for 2-3 days.

Lifespan Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

For Mobvoi TicWatch E3 the time period is short and disappointing. At one charge you can use your smartwatch for 24 hours before it will run its course and ask you to plug it in.

Charging Time

Charging Time Comparison of Fitbit Versa 3 Vs TicWatch E3

For out testing time we saw both Fitbit Sense and TicWatch E3 clocking at the 100% at the same time. So if data is to be believed you can expect your smartwatches to from 0% to 100% within 90 minutes. Although, keep in mind the newer the device more likely it is to get up quickly, and vice versa.

TicWatch E3 vs Fitbit Versa 3: Verdict

Alas we have reached the ending point…

Fitbit Versa 3 is an ideal health tracker made to provide excellence in fitness regime and tracking. It is perfect for those who seek it for medical care or otherwise. As for Mobvoi TicWatch E3, it is flawless and an almost perfect IoT device for entertainment and connectivity. Get it once and you won’t have to worry about much a lot.

However, either way, be cautious, be privy, and keep an open mind, at the end of the day all of these are smart devices/gadgets and they can do what you want them too. So it is important to know what you need before what it can do…

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. TicWatch E3 has excellent record and even better features to compliment its usage.

Yes. TicWatch E3 is eligible to attend calls and make texting possible.

Certainly. Even when there is minor difference between the two. Fitbit Sense is more inclined towards advance analytics and so. Fitbit Versa 3 can be thought off as equally good if not more.

There are many brands/companies that Fitbit competes in the IoT landscape. Most notably Apple, Samsung, Fossil, Garmin, Amazfit, and OnePlus.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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