Bellabeat Spring: Hindsight
Elegant solution meant for those who want to keep track of their hydration and who know they need it. Bellabeat Spring provides every answer apart from if it's truly needed or not.
- Dishwasher Safe
- Amazing Battery Life
- Sends Timely Reminders
- Requires cell change every 6 months
- Boring Design
Glass Body Of Bellabeat Spring
If anyone catches you with Bellabeat Spring into your hand chances they can tell it is a smart bottle is none, and the reason for it is because Bellabeat has crafted it’s watery creation with utmost care and precision. With durable glass and silicone rubber (which is also BPA free) feeling of having it in your hand is in a word: elite.
There is nothing in it’s design that can give away the secret powers it hold and that’s all because there is nothing to it’s design. So it doesn’t matter if it is your first glance or the twenty-fifth Bellabeat Spring has simple design with nothing to present anymore ideas. Which if you think about it make sense, simple design is sign of elegance and Bellabeat Spring is nothing if not a elegant solution.
In my everyday use (yes I use it and I am not ashamed of it) I take it everywhere. I take it to my classes. I take it to park. I even have it just beside me on desk while I sleep, and I have had it for now 5 months and so far there hasn’t been a sign of scratch. You could say I am cautious user (which I am) even then it is admirable to see the quality put in it’s making.
“Drink Water Or Hear From Bella…beat”
“Remember when I said no one can tell it is a smart bottle. Well, there is one way through which everyone can tell it is a smart bottle.”
– Guilty Me
Bellabeat Spring requires Bluetooth connection with your mobile phone. By the way make sure you are at least running your phones on iOS 9 or more for iPhones and Android 4.3 or later. This is not only Spring requirement too, if you are interested in any Bellabeat product (be it Ivy or Leaf) you would’ve to have that particular box ticked. Otherwise you might end up with sync issue.
Continuing from above the one way through which everyone can tell it is a smart bottle is if they saw you shaking your Bellabeat Spring to sync it with your phone. Yes, that is how your bottle begin syncing. You would’ve to shake it.
Although, before you do that ensure that you have the Bellabeat application installed on your phone. Else people might get wrong ideas. Another thing to note here is that once you will install the application you will have to add the following information for Bellabeat Spring to create optimized experience for you:
- Activity level.
- Age.
- Height.
- Weight.
- Local weather and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Once Spring will have this information it will set the goal based on it. For instance if you are someone who hardly ever drinks water Bellabeat will set a goal which will compensate for it while ensuring you are getting the enough required by your body. If you will forget to drink, Bellabeat will keep reminding you with 2 hour interval (although you can change it from settings).
Smart Base Of Spring. Inside Bellabeat.
At one time Bellabeat Spring can hold half a liter of water (500 ml) although number in reality is little less. Either way, the thing that makes it smart bottle in first place is the smart base it has at – well at the base. Using which your Bellabeat water bottle not only keeps track of each sip of water you takes, but also keep track of each sip of water you didn’t take.
Before you think of it, you really can’t fool it. I have tried hundreds of time but it keep tracks of every ounce of water. I didn’t want to say it, but it really is the Goblet of Fire of smart bottle world. Although, in Bellabeat case not even awfully powerful charm can hoodwink it.
However, you can do one thing, you can remove the rubber wrapper and wash it in dishwasher. Bellabeat not only does allow it, you are encouraged to wash your bottle timely for the sake of your health. It is also incredibly easy to wash it, takes me hardly 20 minutes.
Battery Life & Long Spring Break
So here is what you will get in the box if you will – ever – buy the Bellabeat Spring:
- Spring Smart Bottle.
- Coin cell battery.
Now before you wonder where is the charger. Here is what you need to know: Bellabeat doesn’t need to be charged. It runs on cell and it can give you 4-6 months of activity. Which means after those 6 months you will have to buy the new cells to replace them.
Easy. Peasy.
So Is Bellabeat Spring Worth It In Big 2023?
Our Answer: It depends on you.
Because one thing is certain this (Bellabeat Spring or any Smart Bottle) is not a need for 80% of humans. It is a want at best. You won’t die without one in your life. However, you will be greatly awarded with having one. If without it you are consuming 400 ml of water perhaps with Spring around you the number will increase to the 1000 ml or even more than it. So what you need to understand is that at the end of the day it’s about your priorities.
If Bellabeat Spring can’t make that list for you, it is not for you. If it is making that list, then you should buy it right now.

Silicone Rubber
Smart Base
Elegant solution meant for those who want to keep track of their hydration and who know they need it. Bellabeat Spring provides every answer apart from if it’s truly needed or not.